Architectural Floodlighting

01. Introduction

Novarix is a leading manufacturer and supplier of high-grade architectural floodlights. Our lighting solutions come in different designs that are perfect for building facades. All of our lights are provided with a 5-year warranty.

Architectural floodlights light up large areas with their powerful luminaries. Their primary use is in places that require regular and bright light, for example, storage, stadiums, industries, building facades. These small power-houses are enough to light up any vast area with bright and uniform lighting

02. Products

Architectural floodlights are for places that require steady bright lights. Our light fixtures use LED technology – making it possible for small light fixtures to produce powerful beams of uniformed brightness over a huge area.

Narrow Beam Compact Architectural Floodlighting

Narrow Beam Compact Architectural Floodlighting provides a powerful, steady beam of light. It may look small, but its light can reach incredible heights – making it perfect for highlighting architectural details. Ask for more designs.

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Surface Mounted Architectural Facade Floodlighting

Surface Mounted Architectural Facade Floodlighting can bring life to any architectural surface. The LED is on a sturdy frame that allows flexibility, so you can aim it wherever you want. Get more details and designs to suit specific requirements.

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Building Outdoor Wall Washer LED Floodlighting

Building Outdoor Wall Washer LED Floodlighting is perfect for illuminating any exterior wall surface. These lights come in different sizes that can easily blend against various architectural structures. Find more information about the designs we offer.

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Large Scale LED Architectural Floodlighting

Large Scale LED Architectural Floodlighting can light up any place. It may look small, but the LED technology provides a powerful source of illumination for huge areas. See if you can find the perfect design to meet your lighting needs.

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High-Performance Surface Washer Floodlighting

High-Performance Surface Washer Floodlighting provides powerful illumination that can wash out lights on huge architectural structures. The LED lights are sturdy metal that can withstand the natural elements making them perfect for the outdoors. Ask for prices now.

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Architectural facades are incomplete without the strategized placement of LED floodlights. By using multiple lighting techniques, architectural floodlights can truly create the cohesive lighting outlook that you need for your projects.

We provide the guaranteed LED architectural floodlights to fit all your lighting requirements. Our lights vary in types, sizes, and colors, so there is one of any kind of preference.